Although she already had an interest in the medical field, Zimmerman said she developed a love of microscopes during her high school biology class.
It was a meeting with a UIS Admissions Counselor that turned her onto a career in clinical laboratory science. “He told me about the CLS major and my potential career choices after I graduated,” said Zimmerman. “This ultimately sealed the deal for what college I would attend after high school.”
Zimmerman is now actively involved on campus in the Clinical Laboratory Science Club.
She counts the Prairie Star 5K as one of her college highlights because the CLS Club ran as a group. “We are like a family due to the very few number of clinical lab science majors at UIS,” she said.
“I plan to continue being active in the club to help get the word out about CLS Club to other UIS students, even local high school students who may attend UIS once they graduate,” said Zimmerman.
The Leona Stafford Vollintine Scholarship was established to award full-time students pursuing a program of study leading to a career that promotes and assists the general public welfare.
To qualify for the Leona Stafford Vollintine Scholarship, students must be enrolled in the College of Education and Human Services and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.
For more information on scholarships, contact the UIS Office of Financial Assistance at 217/206-6724 or finaid@uis.edu.
For a full list of scholarship opportunities visit www.uis.edu/financialaid/scholarships/. The deadline to apply for institutional scholarships is February 15, 2018.
If you are interested in creating a scholarship, please contact the UIS Office of Advancement at 217/206-6058 or giftinfo@uis.edu.