Capranica, who serves as a resident assistant this year, transferred to UIS in 2017. She said that coming to UIS was a good decision for her.
“I made the Dean’s List while juggling work, school and my social life,” she said.
Capranica has been heavily involved in Legion of Ladies, a student organization focusing on leadership, service and friendship.
“Giving back to others less fortunate is one of the most rewarding things I have done while at UIS,” she said.
Capranica is on track to graduate in 2020 and hopes to teach first or second grade.
“Working with children is something that I have always loved doing,” she said. “Knowing that I am able to have a positive influence on future generations is something that is very rewarding.”
The Horace Mann Companies Scholarship was established to support undergraduate students in the College of Education and Human Services.
For more information on scholarships, contact the UIS Office of Financial Assistance at 217/206-6724 or finaid@uis.edu.
For a full list of scholarship opportunities visit www.uis.edu/financialaid/scholarships/. The deadline to apply for institutional scholarships is February 15, 2019.
If you are interested in creating a scholarship, please contact the UIS Office of Advancement at 217/206-6058 or giftinfo@uis.edu.
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